Gerhard Uhlenbruck(*1929), deutscher Immunbiologe und Aphoristiker
noun: A crisp cake made by baking batter in an appliance with a gridlike pattern. American English: verb intr.: To be indecisive or evasive; to waver. noun: Evasive speech or writing. British English: verb intr.: To talk or write idly or foolishly. noun: Pretentious or useless speech or writing.
Definition: (noun) Work, especially when arduous or involving painful effort. Synonyms: effort, exertion, labor, toil. Usage: She deserved to take a vacation after her long travail. Discuss
Frase celebre di Fulvio Abbate
«Diceva qualcuno che in Italia non si può fare la rivoluzione perché ci conosciamo tutti: ma a Roma ancora di più.» (Fulvio Abbate)
Frase celebre di Elisabetta Belloni
«Per l'assunzione di incarichi che comportano una forte responsabilità anche individuale, le donne sono particolarmente idonee. Perché le donne hanno quasi per natura una propensione alla decisione senza tentennamenti e all'assunzione di responsabilità, anche quando ciò comporta dei rischi personali.» (Elisabetta Belloni)
Ted Morgan
“Howard Hughes was able to afford the luxury of madness, like a man who not only thinks he is Napoleon but hires an army to prove it.”
Toleranz muss dort ihr Ende haben, wo sie von jenen gefordert wird, die sie ständig mit Füßen treten!
Günther Kraftschik(*1952), Berufsschuldirektor i. R., Dipl.-Päd.
adjective: Unfair, lacking propriety, illegal, etc.
Definition: (noun) A feeling of anger caused by being offended. Synonyms: offense. Usage: I had tried to phrase it politely, but he still took umbrage at my question. Discuss
Sie wollen frei sein und verstehen nicht, gerecht zu sein.
Emmanuel Joseph Sieyès(1748 – 1836), auch: l’abbé Sieyès, französischer Pfarrer und Staatsmann, einer der Haupttheoretiker der Französischen Revolution
Definition: (noun) A feud between two families or clans that arises out of a slaying and is perpetuated by retaliatory acts of revenge. Synonyms: blood feud. Usage: No one remembers how the vendetta between the families began, but it will only end when the desire for revenge is not heeded. Discuss
Frase celebre di Pier Ferdinando Casini
«Non ci credevo più. Non credevo più a Berlusconi. Non credo più che possa essere utile all'Italia.» (Pier Ferdinando Casini)
Definition: (adjective) Devoid of intelligence. Synonyms: asinine, fatuous, inane, mindless. Usage: The interviewer could tell by the candidate's vacuous comments that he was not qualified for the position. Discuss
Frase celebre di Ludovico Ariosto
«Forse era ver, ma non però credibile, | a chi del senso suo fosse signore; | ma parve facilmente a lui possibile, | ch'era perduto in via più grave errore. | Quel che l'uom vede, Amor gli fa invisibile, | e l'invisibil fa vedere Amore. | Questo creduto fu; che 'l miser suole | dar…
noun: 1. A day of the week — usually a Fri, Sat, or Sun — observed as a day of rest. 2. A period of rest. 3. A meeting of witches and sorcerers (typically spelled as sabbat).
Definition: (adjective) Of, relating to, resembling, or having the nature of glass. Synonyms: glassy. Usage: The lake was so calm it looked vitreous in the pre-dawn light. Discuss
Aforisma di Concita De Gregorio
«Se dovessi spiegare cos'è un amico, questo direi. Un amico è quella persona per cui anche se è cambiato tutto non è cambiato nulla.»
noun: 1. Money; wealth; cash. 2. A monetary unit of Israel.
Definition: (adjective) Lean and wrinkled by shrinkage as from age or illness. Synonyms: shrunken, withered, shriveled. Usage: The wizened face of the man of law was twisted into a wrinkled smile. Discuss
Alle Dinge sind bereits gesagt; aber da niemand zuhört, müssen wir immer wieder von vorne anfangen.
André Gide(1869 – 1951), André Paul Guillaume Gide, franz. Schriftsteller, Nobelpreis für Literatur 1947
noun: Charitable giving or charity, especially when seen as a moral obligation.
Definition: (noun) A structural or behavioral characteristic peculiar to an individual or group. Synonyms: peculiarity. Usage: Of all her idiosyncrasies, I find her tendency to dance while cooking the most charming. Discuss
Ein guter Gast fällt nicht zur Last.
Ulvi Gündüz(*1969), Dichter und Autor
noun: A person, especially a child, with a sweet innocent appearance.
Definition: (noun) The final outcome. Synonyms: conclusion, result. Usage: The upshot of the disagreement was that they broke up the partnership. Discuss
Frase celebre di Bianca Berlinguer
«Quando hai un padre tanto conosciuto che si sente male durante un comizio ed entra in coma, sei costretta a rinunciare a una parte dell’intimità che ogni lutto esige. Fin da subito, entrò in azione la macchina organizzativa del Pci. E, per quanto bellissima, la grande emozione popolare che ha accompagnato la sua morte ha…
Frase celebre di Mario Delpini
«Se ti sembra che il mondo sia troppo grigio e che strisci troppo in basso, non stare a lamentarti, non perdere temp0 prezioso nella ricerca di meschine evasioni. Piuttosto diventa tu una farfalla colorata, capace di suggerire il volo per le vie del cielo, capace di regalare festosa accoglienza al sole.» (Mario Delpini)
Wer die Macht hat, hält die Ohnmacht der anderen leicht für Dummheit.
Ernst Reinhardt(*1932), Dr. phil., Schweizer Publizist und Aphoristiker
Definition: (adjective) Unwilling to spend money; stingy. Synonyms: parsimonious. Usage: When solicited for a donation, the penurious man began to extend a nickel, but, thinking twice, withdrew it. Discuss
Frase celebre di Marracash
«E se non hai niente in cui credere | Non avrai niente che puoi perdere, sì, tranne te» (Marracash)
Aforisma di Eleanor Marx
«Quando la tua vita sarà finita, avrai imparato quel tanto che basta per iniziarla bene. »
Der Boden der Tatsachen hat oft einen unangenehmen Belag.
Thomas Häntsch(*1958), Fotograf
Definition: (noun) One who embraces and assists in spreading the teachings of another. Synonyms: adherent. Usage: An avowed disciple of Jonson and his classicism and a greater poet than Fletcher is Robert Herrick, who, indeed, after Shakespeare and Milton, is the finest lyric poet of these two centuries. Discuss
Frase celebre di Concita De Gregorio
«Opponi la bontà alla ferocia.» (Concita De Gregorio)
Klatsch ist die Rache der Feiglinge.
Markus M. Ronner(*1938), Schweizer Theologe, Autor und Aphoristiker
noun: The act or policy of refusing to face reality or unpleasant facts.
Definition: (noun) A formal expression of praise; a tribute. Synonyms: eulogy, paean, panegyric. Usage: We stand humbled by his heroics, and cannot help feeling that this encomium is inadequate to extol his virtue. Discuss
Satire zu schreiben, ist heute das Wagnis, mit der Realität zu konkurrieren.
Rolf Mohr(*1947), Dipl.-Psych., Wissenschaftlicher Direktor a.D., Führungskräftetrainer
verb tr.: To criticize, nag, pester, etc. in a persistent manner.
Definition: (verb) To make weak; deprive of strength. Synonyms: debilitate, drain. Usage: Although his age enfeebled him, he could still walk long distances without tiring. Discuss
Das Leben ist ein Land, das die Greise gesehen und bewohnt haben. Wer es durchwandern will, kann nur sie um den Weg fragen.
Joseph Joubert(1754 – 1824), französischer Moralist
lame duck
noun: 1. An elected official soon going to be out of office due to losing a re-election bid, not running again, or being ineligible to run again. 2. Something or someone weak, unsuccessful, ineffectual, disabled, helpless, etc. 3. Someone who cannot fulfill their contracts, especially one who has lost a great deal of money in…
Definition: (verb) To cause to move in a smooth wavelike motion. Synonyms: roll. Usage: The singer undulated her hips to the rhythm of the song. Discuss
Frase celebre di David Sassoli
«I poveri non possono aspettare e non possiamo restare indifferenti rispetto alle persone in grave difficoltà che tutte le notti dormono all'aperto cercando riparo all'esterno del Parlamento. Basta una passeggiata la sera per rendersi conto di quante persone hanno bisogno di aiuto e assistenza. Penso che sarebbe un atto di grande umanità aprire di notte…
Aforisma di David Sassoli
«L'Europa ci può aiutare a stare meglio al mondo.»
Dan Parker
“Millions of words are written annually purporting to tell how to beat the races, whereas the best possible advice on the subject is found in the three monosyllables: ‘Do not try.’”
black swan
noun: 1. An unpredictable occurrence that has major consequences. 2. Something extremely rare.
Definition: (adjective) Of a size or splendor suggesting great expense; lavish. Synonyms: deluxe, opulent, princely, luxurious. Usage: The sumptuous homes of the wealthy were full of gilding and ornament. Discuss
Das Herzblut versickert, Leidenschaft ist heute oft nur noch eine Frage des Preises.
Justus Vogt(*1958), denkender Lebender und lebender Denker
Definition: (adjective) Preferred above all others and treated with partiality. Synonyms: best-loved, pet, preferred, favorite. Usage: My sister is clearly the favored child—she has a later curfew and gets away with things I never could! Discuss
Alan Perlis
“The computing field is always in need of new cliches.”
Definition: (adjective) Of worldwide scope or applicability. Synonyms: universal. Usage: The movement against violence is intended to be an ecumenical one, applicable to all nations. Discuss
Frase celebre di Gae Aulenti
«Continuo a pensare che le nuove lampadine hanno anche deformato il discorso luminoso nelle case trasformandole in uno spazio con tanti punti di luce, che mi ricorda un pò le processioni, le madonne; tante luci diverse come se per ogni funzione ci debba essere la lampadina, mentre poi sappiamo che una stessa luce cambia a…
Frase celebre di Diane Arbus
«L’amore comporta un’insondabile combinazione di comprensioni ed equivoci.» (Diane Arbus)
Vielesser und Langschläfer sind unfähig zu großen Taten.
Heinrich IV., von Navarra(1553 – 1610), auch Henri IV, Henri le Grand, okzitanisch Enric Quate Lo Gran, ab 1572 als Heinrich III. König von Navarra, ab 1589 König von Frankreich
noun: A person displaying boldness or courage while drunk. adjective: Displaying bravado under the influence of alcohol.
Definition: (adjective) Containing little excess. Synonyms: lean. Usage: When the car repairs maxed out my already skimpy budget, I knew my shopping days were over. Discuss
Solange man seinen Körper vergessen kann, ist man glücklich.
D. H. Lawrence(1885 – 1930), David Herbert Lawrence; englischer Schriftsteller, der in der englischen Literatur des 20. Jahrhunderts als erster Schriftsteller von Rang aus einer Arbeiterfamilie stammte
noun: An idle, talkative person.
Definition: (noun) A quarrelsome, scolding woman. Synonyms: shrew. Usage: His aunt was such a termagant that he dreaded her annual visit. Discuss
Frase celebre di Elia Kazan
«Lo scrittore, quando è anche un artista, è qualcuno che ammette ciò che altri non osano rivelare. » (Elia Kazan)
Ein Leben, das nur auf Sicherheit gründet, gleicht einem Gemälde im Safe.
Ernst Reinhardt(*1932), Dr. phil., Schweizer Publizist und Aphoristiker
noun: A rash, hotheaded person. adjective: Having a rash, hotheaded temperament.
Definition: (noun) A corrupt or depraved or degenerate act or practice. Synonyms: depravity. Usage: Seeing the various turpitudes of modern society shook her faith in humanity. Discuss
Aforisma di Elia Kazan
«Lo scrittore, quando è anche un artista, è qualcuno che ammette ciò che altri non osano rivelare. »
Bulgarian Proverb
“Seize opportunity by the beard, for it is bald behind.”
Es gibt auch Spiegel, in denen man sehen kann, was einem fehlt.
Friedrich Hebbel(1813 – 1863), Christian Friedrich Hebbel, deutscher Dramatiker und Lyriker
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