August Strindberg(1849 – 1912), Johan August Strindberg, schwedischer Schriftsteller und Künstler, gilt als einer der wichtigsten schwedischen Autoren
verb intr.: To camp in comforts or luxuries not typically available in camping, such as electricity, plumbing, beds, etc.
noun: Someone with whom one is friendly, despite feeling hostility.
Definition: (noun) An uneasy feeling arising from conscience or principle that tends to hinder action. Synonyms: misgiving, qualm. Usage: Lady Macbeth is impatient with her husband's scruples and goads him into killing the king. Discuss
Frase celebre di Publilio Siro
«Quando agisci cresce il coraggio. Quando rimandi cresce la paura.» (Publilio Siro)
Konservativ ist ein Mensch, der zu feige ist zu kämpfen und zu fett, um zu laufen.
Elbert Hubbard(1856 – 1915 (auf der Lusitania)), Elbert Green Hubbard, amerikanischer Schriftsteller, Essayist, Philosoph und Verleger
Definition: (noun) A rail and the row of balusters or posts that support it, as along the front of a gallery. Synonyms: banister, handrail. Usage: She leaned over the balustrade, trying to see what was happening below. Discuss
Aforisma di William Burroughs
«Una società di persone che non sognano non potrebbe esistere. Sarebbero morti in due settimane.»
In der Sonne der Siege gedeihen die Niederlagen.
Friedrich Löchner(1915 – 2013), Pseudonym: Erich Ellinger, deutscher Pädagoge, Dichter und Autor
Definition: (noun) A separation or division into factions. Synonyms: discord, split. Usage: Heretics were burned for attempting to create a schism in the Catholic Church. Discuss
Frase celebre di Palmiro Togliatti
«Cos'ha fatto ieri la Juve? E tu pretendi di fare la rivoluzione senza sapere i risultati della Juve? » (Palmiro Togliatti)
Konventionen Alle passen sich an. Bis es niemandem mehr paßt.
Walter Ludin(*1945), Schweizer Journalist, Redakteur, Aphoristiker und Buchautor, Mitglied des franziskanischen Ordens der Kapuziner
noun: The innermost, secret, or hidden parts of something.
Definition: (adjective) Bright green with or as if with vegetation. Synonyms: verdant. Usage: The lake was virid with bright algae on the surface. Discuss
Frase celebre di Ciriaco De Mita
«In politica il pensiero è importante, ma per realizzare il pensiero bisogna convincere gli altri a comportarsi in modo tale da realizzare il pensiero.» (Ciriaco De Mita)
Wer keine Ideen hat, kann immerhin die anderen zerreden.
Klaus Klages(*1938), deutscher Gebrauchsphilosoph und Abreißkalenderverleger
cock of the walk
noun: A person who behaves in an arrogant and domineering manner in a group.
noun: Idle talk; nonsense. verb intr.: To talk idly.
Definition: (adjective) Having a wavy or rippled surface pattern. Used of fabric. Synonyms: watered. Usage: As the lady sat down, the folds of her moire silk dress rustled about her. Discuss
Unsere Zwanzigerjahre sind keine goldenen.
Stefan Rogal(*1965), Autor, Herausgeber und Kolumnist
noun: 1. Unsteady movement, such as the staggering, lurching, or nodding of the head or the body. 2. Stuttering or stammering
Definition: (noun) An article of movable personal property. Synonyms: personalty. Usage: Slaves were treated as chattel by plantation owners, who bought, sold, and even bet them in poker games. Discuss
Frase celebre di Stefano Pioli
«Gli ostacoli sono troppo alti per chi non ha ambizioni abbastanza forti.» (Stefano Pioli)
Schreibe kein Buch über eine Sache, die Du mit einem Satze ausdrücken kannst!
Max Verworn(1863 – 1921), Max Richard Constantin Verworn, deutscher Physiologe
nudum pactum
noun: An unenforceable contract, one that’s void because of lack of consideration (something of value promised in exchange).
Definition: (adjective) Expressing contemptuous reproach; bringing disgrace. Synonyms: abusive, scornful, shameful, ignominious. Usage: His opprobrious conduct during an assembly earned him a series of Saturday detentions. Discuss
Frase celebre di Nanni Moretti
«In Italia non c'è più opinione pubblica. Non parlo dell'opposizione, ma di qualcosa o qualcuno trasversale ai partiti, che comunque si riconosca in comuni valori democratici. E che, come succede in altri paesi, dovrebbe "punire" – mettiamoci le virgolette, per carità – un capo del governo che non ha senso dello Stato, che non va…
Aforisma di Stefano Pioli
«Gli ostacoli sono troppo alti per chi non ha ambizioni abbastanza forti.»
Wenn du im Kreis herumgehst, ist es egal, wie schnell du vorwärts kommst.
Pavel Kosorin(*1964), tschechischer Schriftsteller und Aphoristiker
Definition: (adjective) Endowed with feeling and unstructured consciousness. Synonyms: animate. Usage: The living knew themselves just sentient puppets on God's stage. Discuss
Keiner ist zu jung, zu ungebildet oder zu gering, um nicht ein Schatzkästlein an Lebensregeln zu besitzen.
Definition: (adjective) Hypocritically, complacently, or effusively earnest. Synonyms: fulsome, oleaginous, unctuous. Usage: His smarmy speech left no doubt that he actually felt superior to those he was meant to be praising. Discuss
Richtig zugeschnitten, reicht jeder Tag.
Margarete Seemann(1893 – 1949), österreichische Roman-, Kinder- und Jugendbuchautorin, veröffentlichte auch unter dem Pseudonym Margarete Margmann
noun: Extravagance, especially in matters of food and drink.
Definition: (verb) To confuse; perplex. Synonyms: baffle, bewilder, nonplus, puzzle. Usage: The game was designed to flummox its players, presenting them with a series of complex riddles. Discuss
Kapital, das steinerne Herz der Demokratie!
Manfred Hinrich(1926 – 2015), Dr. phil., deutscher Philosoph, Philologe, Lehrer, Journalist, Kinderliederautor, Aphoristiker und Schriftsteller
noun: Toothache.
Definition: (adjective) Excessively ornate or complex in style or language. Synonyms: bombastic, declamatory, orotund, tumid, large. Usage: Growing impatient with the politician's turgid prose, she turned off her television. Discuss
Gibt es überhaupt Vorgänge ohne Bedeutung?
Friedrich Kayssler(1874 – 1945), Friedrich Martin Adalbert Kayssler, auch Friedrich Kayßler, deutscher Schauspieler, Schriftsteller und Komponist
adjective: Fishy.
Definition: (adjective) Lacking authenticity or validity in essence or origin; not genuine. Synonyms: specious, unauthentic. Usage: The professor explained to the student that her essay had received a "C" due to numerous examples of spurious reasoning. Discuss
adjective; Weekly.
Definition: (noun) One who wastes, especially one who wastes money; an idler or a loafer. Synonyms: prodigal, profligate. Usage: Despite his parents' best efforts to teach him responsibility, Sam grew up to be a wastrel who squandered his entire fortune. Discuss
Der Klügere gibt nach – gut bei privaten Streitigkeiten, schlecht bei politischen Entscheidungen.
Ernst Reinhardt(*1932), Dr. phil., Schweizer Publizist und Aphoristiker
adjective: Waxy.
Definition: (noun) A state of alarm or dread. Synonyms: apprehension. Usage: With trepidation, the children approached the haunted house. Discuss
Die wohl tragischste menschliche Eigenschaft ist, dass der Mensch nichts einfach mal gut sein lassen kann.
Huey Colbinger(*1976), Songwriter & Lyriker
Definition: (verb) To censure strongly. Synonyms: abrade, condemn, denounce. Usage: The newspaper printed an editorial that excoriated the administration for its inaction. Discuss
Clarence Thomas
“Good manners will open doors that the best education cannot.”
Definition: (verb) To lie or creep in a prostrate position, as in subservience or humility. Synonyms: cower, cringe, fawn. Usage: The prisoners groveled before the emperor, hoping that he would commute their sentences. Discuss
In der Freundschaft wie in der Liebe ist man oft glücklicher durch das, was man nicht weiß, als durch das, was man weiß.
François de La Rochefoucauld(1613 – 1680), François VI. de La Rochefoucauld, franz. Offizier, Diplomat und Schriftsteller
Definition: (adjective) Characterized by excessive self-esteem or exaggerated dignity. Synonyms: overblown, grandiloquent, portentous. Usage: He read the proclamation aloud in a pompous voice, although nobody was paying attention. Discuss
Sei du selbst! Kein Baum trägt fremde Zweige.
Hans Ossenbach(1874 – 1945), deutscher Schriftsteller und Dichter
noun: 1. A line connecting the North Pole to the South Pole or a circle passing through the two poles. 2. Midday. 3. The highest point, as of power, prosperity, development, etc. adjective: 1. Relating to a meridian. 2. Relating to midday. 3. Relating to the highest point of someone’s power, prosperity, development, etc.
Definition: (noun) A jumble; a hodgepodge. Synonyms: patchwork, melange, ragbag. Usage: Inside the chest, he found a gaudy gallimaufry of old dresses, feathers, and sequins. Discuss
Frase celebre di Carlo Emilio Gadda
«L'io, io!… il più lurido di tutti i pronomi!… I pronomi! Sono i pidocchi del pensiero. Quando il pensiero ha i pidocchi, si gratta come tutti quelli che hanno i pidocchi… e nelle unghie, allora… ci ritrova i pronomi: i pronomi di persona.» (Carlo Emilio Gadda)
Wir Deutschen machen mit unserer Gründlichkeit einen großen Fehler.
Max Verworn(1863 – 1921), Max Richard Constantin Verworn, deutscher Physiologe
witching hour
noun: Midnight.
Aforisma di Carlo Emilio Gadda
«L'io, io!… il più lurido di tutti i pronomi!… I pronomi! Sono i pidocchi del pensiero. Quando il pensiero ha i pidocchi, si gratta come tutti quelli che hanno i pidocchi… e nelle unghie, allora… ci ritrova i pronomi: i pronomi di persona.»
noun: Someone who is the same age as oneself.
Definition: (adjective) Tediously prolonged; tending to speak or write at excessive length. Synonyms: voluble, wordy. Usage: She was engaged in editing a prolix manuscript, trying to cut the length by at least a third. Discuss
Die Krisen unserer Zeit wurde durch Experten herbeigeführt – nun sollen sie durch Experten beseitigt werden – es bleibt spannend !
Bernhard Krätzig(*1965), Architekt, Renaissance-Fan, Aphoristiker
adjective: In good time.
Definition: (noun) The habitation of a hermit or group of hermits. Synonyms: abbey, monastery, retreat. Usage: He spent two years in his hermitage near the lake, pondering the mysteries of the universe. Discuss
Frase celebre di Valeria Fabrizi
«Sono nata nello stesso palazzo di Walter Chiari a Verona, dove mio papà aveva uno studio dentistico e mio nonno faceva l’operaio delle ferrovie dello Stato. Ebbe un incidente a una gamba, mia mamma andò a trovarlo e io sono venuta al mondo lì, vicino a Giulietta e Romeo.» (Valeria Fabrizi)
Dem Menschen ist die Angst angeboren. Wenn er keine Anlässe zur Angst hat, sucht er sich welche.
Helmut Glatz(*1939), Schriftsteller, schreibt Kinderbücher und phantastische Erzählungen
Definition: (noun) The use of unnecessarily wordy and indirect language. Synonyms: ambage, periphrasis, evasion. Usage: He is long-winded and prone to circumlocution in his public speeches. Discuss
Definition: (noun) A rounded projection, especially an anatomical part. Synonyms: projection. Usage: She fastened her earrings, three brilliant pendants that glistened most beautifully, through the pierced lobes of her ears. Discuss
Wenn wir glücklich sind, macht das Leben eine Pause und wartet auf uns.
Kurt Haberstich(*1948), Schweizer Buchautor und Aphoristiker
noun: A system of restricting access to online content or services, making them accessible only upon payment.
Frase celebre di Hermann Göring
«La gente non vuole la guerra. Nè in Russia, nè in Inghilterra, America o Germania. Sono i leader delle nazioni a determinare le regole. La questione è semplicemente quella di trascinare la gente, viva essa in democrazia, o in qualsiasi altro regime.» (Hermann Goering)
Wir ecken dort an, wo es zu eng ist.
Stefan Rogal(*1965), Autor, Herausgeber und Kolumnist
noun: The purchase of a company for its talent rather than its products or services. verb tr.: To buy a company in this manner.
Definition: (noun) A compact or close-knit body of people. Synonyms: crowd, unit. Usage: The party members disagreed on many topics, but when it came to social issues, they formed a solid phalanx. Discuss
Rache, süß im Anfang, schlägt gar bald mit herbem Weh sich selbst.
John Milton(1608 – 1674), englischer Diplomat, politischer Schriftsteller und Epiker
noun: An article or other piece of writing structured in the form of a list.
Definition: (adjective) Narrowly restricted in scope or outlook. Synonyms: insular. Usage: After moving to a big city, she had little patience for what she considered to be her parents' parochial attitudes. Discuss
Spießer ist kein Lehrberuf. Angeborenes Talent reicht aus.
KarlHeinz Karius(*1935), Urheber, Mensch und Werbeberater
noun: A situation that is a complete mess, especially when resulting from mismanagement.
Definition: (adjective) Having or causing a whirling sensation. Synonyms: whirling, dizzy. Usage: At the end of the trail, they still faced a vertiginous climb up the face of the cliff. Discuss
Nur das ist wirklich dein Besitz, was du bei einem Schiffbruch nicht verlieren kannst.
Abu Hamid al-Ghazali(1058 – 1112), größter persischer Theologe des Islam, wandelte sich vom skeptischen Gelehrten zum ekstatischen Heiligen, gründete in Tus eine theologische Hochschule (Medrese)
Definition: (adjective) Hanging down; projecting. Synonyms: dangling, overhanging, suspended. Usage: An examination of the cave revealed nothing but hundreds of sleeping bats pendent from the ceiling. Discuss
noun: A sensationalized, often misleading, headline that is designed to entice users to click on a hyperlink.
Nur dem, der sich stets zur jeweiligen Mehrheit schlägt, bereitet die Demokratie auch auf Dauer Vergnügen.
Martin Gerhard Reisenberg(*1949), Diplom-Bibliothekar und Autor
Definition: (verb) To undergo thickening or cause to thicken, as by boiling or evaporation. Synonyms: condense, thicken. Usage: The recipe then instructed the cook to inspissate the sauce by adding flour. Discuss
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