Ernst Hohenemser(1870 – 1940), deutscher Aphoristiker
Definition: (noun) A feudal vassal or subject. Synonyms: feudatory, liege, vassal. Usage: The liegeman was expected to provide military support if his lord went to battle. Discuss
Überall wird die Wahrheit gefordert. Aber erwünscht ist sie nirgends.
Stefan Fleischer(*1938), Rentner, vorher Organisator einer Großbank
Definition: (noun) One who traitorously switches allegiance. Synonyms: apostate, deserter, ratter, recreant, renegade. Usage: He was a turncoat who betrayed his friends to curry favor with the King. Discuss
Es ist logisch daß in einer Gesellschaft, die verrückt ist, diejenigen, die nicht verrückt sind, als verrückt bezeichnet werden.
Gerald Dunkl(*1959), österreichischer Psychologe und Aphoristiker
noun: 1. A person; guy. 2. A wasp. 3. A compact, opaque quartz, typically in dull shades of red, yellow, and brown.
Definition: (noun) A pit for refuse or sewage. Synonyms: sump, sink, cesspool. Usage: The cesspit smelled foul, but without it all the refuse would have been strewn around the town. Discuss
Austin Phelps
“Wear the old coat and buy the new book.”
Zeit kann man mit Geld nicht kaufen, Freizeit aber schon.
Jacek Or?owski(*1964), polnischer Manager und Wörterbuchautor
noun: One who is easily taken advantage of, by being deceived, unfairly blamed, or ridiculed.
Definition: (noun) Bitter, long-lasting resentment; deep-seated ill will. Synonyms: bitterness, resentment, gall. Usage: After a year Edinburgh dropped him, thus supplying substantial fuel for his ingrained poor man's jealousy and rancor at the privileged classes. Discuss
Frase celebre di Arthur Ashe
«L'autentico eroismo è sicuramente sobrio, privo di drammi. Non è il bisogno di superare gli altri a qualunque costo, ma il bisogno di servire gli altri a qualunque costo.» (Arthur Ashe)
Aforisma di Marchese De Sade
«Più difetti un uomo ha, più vecchio e meno amabile è, tanto più risonante sarà il suo successo.»
Dein Horoskop sagt dir gar nichts, deine Lebensgeschichte fast alles.
Stefan Rogal(*1965), Autor, Herausgeber und Kolumnist
Definition: (noun) A congenital cleft in the middle of the upper lip. Synonyms: cheiloschisis, cleft lip. Usage: The insurance company argued that the surgery to correct her harelip was not medically necessary. Discuss
Frase celebre di Evita Peron
«Ho solo un'ambizione personale: che il giorno in cui si scriverà il capitolo meraviglioso della storia di Perón, di me si dica questo: c'era, al fianco di Perón, una donna che si era dedicata a trasmettergli le speranze del popolo. Di questa donna si sa soltanto che il popolo la chiamava con amore: Evita.» (Evita…
Wer alle Tage nach dem Lustprinzip lebt, hat eines Tages keine Lust mehr.
Walter Ludin(*1945), Schweizer Journalist, Redakteur, Aphoristiker und Buchautor, Mitglied des franziskanischen Ordens der Kapuziner
noun: A pampered or overprotected person. verb tr.: To overprotect or pamper.
Definition: (noun) A medieval hood of mail suspended from a basinet to protect the head and neck. Synonyms: camail. Usage: The sword caught him just below the jaw, but the ventail protected his neck. Discuss
John Henry
noun: A person’s signature.
Definition: (noun) A sailor or mariner. Synonyms: old salt, Jack-tar, mariner, sea dog, seaman, gob, Jack, tar. Usage: Then he arose quickly, like a seafarer who all at once seeth the land; and he shouted for joy: for he saw a new truth. Discuss
Frase celebre di Tucidide
«Quanto al nome era una democrazia, ma di fatto era il governo di uno solo. » (Tucidide)
Katherine Paterson
“Thus, in a real sense, I am constantly writing autobiography, but I have to turn it into fiction in order to give it credibility.”
Du tust unrecht, wenn du das lobst, was du nicht recht verstehst; aber es noch unrichtiger, wenn du es tadelst.
Leonardo da Vinci(1452 – 1519), italienisches Universalgenie, Maler, Bildhauer, Baumeister, Zeichner und Naturforscher
Definition: (noun) A man who is courting a woman. Synonyms: suer, wooer. Usage: The princess had many suitors, but the only man she was interested in was a poor farmhand. Discuss
Aforisma di Tucidide
«Quanto al nome era una democrazia, ma di fatto era il governo di uno solo. »
Kenneth Hildebrand
“Strong lives are motivated by dynamic purposes.”
Wenn du eine Rose schaust, sag, ich laß sie grüßen.
Heinrich Heine(1797 – 1856), Christian Johann Heinrich Heine (Harry Heine), deutscher Dichter und Romancier, ein Hauptvertreter des Jungen Deutschland, Begründer des modernen Feuilletons
Definition: (noun) A hostile disagreement face-to-face. Synonyms: confrontation, encounter, showdown. Usage: The relationship between the two officers deteriorated until they had a noisy face-off at the chief's office. Discuss
Frase celebre di Francesco Storace
« A froci… » (Francesco Storace)
Aforisma di Miles Davis
«La musica e la vita sono solo questioni di stile.»
Halte etwas mehr Abstand zu den Menschen und Ereignissen, und du wirst mehr Ruhe haben.
Paul Haschek(1932 – 2011), deutscher Theologe, Kamilianer-Pater, Redakteur der Monatszeitschrift »Feierabend«
adjective: 1. Self-referential. 2. Relating to members of its own category. adverb: In a self-referential manner. noun: Something that is self-referential. prefix: Denoting transformation, transcending, going beyond, etc.
Definition: (noun) Theatrical arts or performances. Synonyms: theatrical performance, representation. Usage: They had lunch, then went to the theater to enjoy an hour of histrionics. Discuss
Unsere Oberflächlichkeit macht uns sehr leicht zu Sklaven der Äußerlichkeiten.
Ernst Ferstl(*1955), österreichischer Lehrer, Dichter und Aphoristiker
noun: 1. Misleading, evasive, or ambiguous speech or action. 2. Desertion of a party, position, cause, etc.
Definition: (noun) A pad placed under a carpet. Synonyms: carpet pad, rug pad. Usage: After they removed the underlayment, the young cousins were able to slide the rug across the hardwood floor as though it were a sled on ice. Discuss
Die Vorzüge der Demokratie werden in der Regel durch die Diktatur der Verwaltung konterkariert.
Olaf Dudek(*1953), Ph.D. economics und Journalist
noun: A little smile.
Definition: (noun) A pear-shaped tropical fruit with green or blackish skin and rich yellowish pulp enclosing a single large seed. Synonyms: alligator pear, avocado, avocado pear. Usage: Jim prepared his special aguacate dip and served it with tortilla chips. Discuss
Frase celebre di Enrico De Nicola
«La riconoscenza è il sentimento della vigilia.» (Enrico De Nicola)
Professor Irwin Corey
“If we don’t change direction soon, we’ll end up where we’re going.”
Ein heiterer Tag ist wie ein grauer, wenn wir ihn ungerührt ansehen.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe(1749 – 1832), gilt als einer der bedeutendsten Repräsentanten deutschsprachiger Dichtung
noun: The study of grasses.
Definition: (noun) A humorist who uses ridicule and irony and sarcasm. Synonyms: ironist, ridiculer. Usage: The satirist got into trouble with the network after he ridiculed a number of prominent donors on his live television show. Discuss
Wir brauchen neue Grenzwerte der geistigen Umweltverschmutzung.
Helmut Glaßl(*1950)
verb intr.: To make a speech, especially in a tedious or pompous manner.
Definition: (noun) A deposit of urates around a joint or in the external ear; diagnostic of advanced or chronic gout. Synonyms: tophus. Usage: Once the doctor saw the chalkstone, he knew his patient was suffering from gout. Discuss
Definition: (noun) One authorized to manage the affairs of another; an agent. Synonyms: proxy, placeholder. Usage: The wealthy businessman's procurator arrived at the auction to bid on his behalf. Discuss
Es ist leicht, einen Autor zu kritisieren, schwer, ihn richtig zu beurteilen.
Luc de Clapiers, Marquis de Vauvenargues(1715 – 1747), französischer Philosoph, Moralist und Schriftsteller
Definition: (adjective) Having a harmful effect; injurious. Synonyms: injurious, hurtful. Usage: A guest speaker came to the high school to warn the students about the deleterious effects of smoking. Discuss
Ein wichtiger Bestandteil des Denkens ist die Denkpause, für einige das Wichtigste.
Erhard Horst Bellermann(*1937), deutscher Bauingenieur, Dichter und Aphoristiker
noun: An agreement, especially between nations, to submit disputes to arbitration.
Definition: (noun) The act of cutting off. Synonyms: cutting off. Usage: He had surgery for the abscission of a malignancy. Discuss
Catherine de Hueck
“With the gift of listening comes the gift of healing.”
Anfangs erweckt Rauch den Anschein von etwas Großem, schnell aber verflüchtigt er sich.
Erasmus von Rotterdam(1469 – 1536), holländischer Theologe, Philologe und Humanist, nannte sich Desiderius Erasmus, eigentlich Gerhard Gerhards
noun: A laborer or a construction worker.
Definition: (noun) A disposition to tolerate or accept people or situations. Synonyms: toleration, acceptance. Usage: Everyone admired her sufferance in the face of a number of unfortunate events. Discuss
Asketen sind Menschen, die sich der Energieknappheit widmen.
Billy(1932 – 2019), eigentlich Walter Fürst, Schweizer Aphoristiker
Definition: (adjective) Of, relating to, or dealing with supernatural influences, agencies, or phenomena. Synonyms: supernatural. Usage: His superstitions led him to the study of occult subjects, much to the dismay of his highly rational parents. Discuss
Der Offensivkrieg ist der Krieg eines Tyrannen; wer sich jedoch verteidigt, ist im Recht.
Voltaire(1694 – 1778), eigentlich François-Marie Arouet, französischer Philosoph der Aufklärung, Historiker und Geschichts-Schriftsteller
verb tr.: To force someone to do something; coerce.
Definition: (adjective) Lacking resources or the means of subsistence; completely impoverished. Synonyms: impoverished, indigent, necessitous, needy, poverty-stricken. Usage: Though they were poor and destitute, they refused to ask others for help or charity. Discuss
Der christliche Entschluss, die Welt hässlich und schlecht zu finden, hat die Welt hässlich und schlecht gemacht.
Friedrich Nietzsche(1844 – 1900), Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, deutscher Philosoph, Essayist, Lyriker und Schriftsteller
noun: A base, support, or supporting framework.
Definition: (adjective) Scornfully or cynically mocking. Synonyms: wry. Usage: He continued to grin with a sardonic humor, with a cynical mockery and defiance. Discuss
Das Wesentliche befindet sich unter einem Berg täglichen Kleinkrams.
Else Pannek(1932 – 2010), deutsche Lyrikerin
Definition: (adjective) Very talkative; garrulous. Synonyms: chatty, gabby, garrulous, talkative, talky. Usage: The loquacious woman was often mocked by neighborhood children for her incessant talking. Discuss
Das Mittel Willst du in Deutschland wirken als Autor, so triff sie nur tüchtig, Denn zum Beschauen des Werks finden sich wenige nur.
Friedrich von Schiller(1759 – 1805), Johann Christoph Friedrich Schiller, ab 1802 von Schiller, deutscher Arzt, Dichter, Philosoph und Historiker; gilt als einer der bedeutendsten deutschsprachigen Dramatiker und Lyriker
Definition: (adjective) Carefree and lighthearted. Synonyms: lighthearted, lightsome. Usage: The blithe young couple was a pleasant sight to see. Discuss
Aforisma di Mannarino
«Svegliatevi italiani, brava gente, qua la truffa è grossa e congegnata, lavoro intermittente, solo un'emittente, pure l'aria pura va pagata.»
Wer aus Ärger trinkt, dem bleibt er treu.
Manfred Hinrich(1926 – 2015), Dr. phil., deutscher Philosoph, Philologe, Lehrer, Journalist, Kinderliederautor, Aphoristiker und Schriftsteller
noun: A close friendship between men.
Definition: (adjective) Having extremely unfortunate or dire consequences; bringing ruin. Synonyms: disastrous, fatal, fateful, black. Usage: Sire, I ask your majesty's pardon for the calamitous news which I bring. Discuss
Frase celebre di Eraclito
«Non c’è nulla d’immutabile tranne l’esigenza di cambiare.» (Eraclito)
Die Statistik lehrt uns, daß nicht mehr die Taten, sondern die Daten wichtig sind.
Erhard Blanck(*1942), deutscher Heilpraktiker, Schriftsteller und Maler
noun: One who follows a primarily vegetarian diet but occasionally consumes animal products. adjective: Primarily but not completely vegetarian.
noun: 1. A long tapering flag. 2. A flag symbolizing a sports championship or another achievement. 3. A victory, championship, etc.
Definition: (adjective) Not mingled or diluted with extraneous matter. Synonyms: pure. Usage: Because she did not like artificial or diluted flavors, she made sure to purchase unadulterated maple syrup. Discuss
Des Deutschen Regelungswut ist Folge seiner Angst vor Eigenverantwortung.
Karl Feldkamp(*1943), Supervisor und Kommunikationstrainer sowie freier Autor, schreibt Lyrik, Kurzprosa, Essay, Hörspiele, Satire und Rezensionen
noun: Songs, poems, stories, etc., transmitted orally across generations.
Definition: (noun) Change toward something smaller or lower. Synonyms: decline. Usage: The thermometer indicated a certain diminution of temperature. Discuss
Frase celebre di Marcello Lippi
«Erano pazzi dopo il gol di Grosso, dei normali calciatori si sarebbero rintanati nella propria area di rigore. Giocavamo contro la Germania in casa loro, avevamo segnato, e mancava un niente alla fine. Invece un minuto dopo ho visto Cannavaro uscire dall'area e attaccare il campo come fosse il 10' minuto di gioco. Ho visto…
Große Gefahren haben das Schöne, daß sie Brüderlichkeit von Fremden ans Licht bringen.
Victor Hugo(1802 – 1885), Victor-Marie Hugo, franz. Schriftsteller, politisch engagiert, Mitglied der Académie Française
noun: A vacation spent at home or close to home. verb intr.: To vacation at or close to home.
Definition: (verb) To award compensation for; make a return for. Synonyms: compensate, indemnify, repair. Usage: I wish to recompense you for the time and money that you spent while helping my sister find her lost dog. Discuss
Aforisma di Marcello Lippi
«Erano pazzi dopo il gol di Grosso, dei normali calciatori si sarebbero rintanati nella propria area di rigore. Giocavamo contro la Germania in casa loro, avevamo segnato, e mancava un niente alla fine. Invece un minuto dopo ho visto Cannavaro uscire dall'area e attaccare il campo come fosse il 10' minuto di gioco. Ho visto…
Jeder Mensch hält sich für so wichtig, wie ihm seine Umgebung sich einzubilden gestattet.
Max Verworn(1863 – 1921), Max Richard Constantin Verworn, deutscher Physiologe
Definition: (noun) A steep slope or long cliff that results from erosion or faulting and separates two relatively level areas of differing elevations. Synonyms: scarp. Usage: The basalt cliffs of the outside were reproduced upon the inside, forming an escarpment about two hundred feet high, with a woody slope beneath it. Discuss
Als Lieblingsthema bei allen Doofen rangiert Mord vor Katastrophen.
Erhard Horst Bellermann(*1937), deutscher Bauingenieur, Dichter und Aphoristiker
Definition: (noun) Something that bears an analogy to something else. Synonyms: parallel. Usage: Surimi is marketed as an analogue of crabmeat. Discuss
noun: A left-handed person. adjective: Left-handed.
Definition: (adjective) Easily bent; supple. Synonyms: lithe, supple, slender. Usage: There was a grace, which no austerity could diminish, about every movement of her lissome, slender form. Discuss
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