Hans-Jürgen Quadbeck-Seeger(*1939), Prof. Dr., deutscher Chemiker, Mitglied der Enquête-Kommission für Gentechnik des Deutschen Bundestages, wurde für sein Engagement mit dem Bundesverdienstkreuz ausgezeichnet
adjective: 1. Easily angered. 2. Very angry. 3. Rash.
Taj Mahal
noun: Something, especially a building, that is luxurious or an extraordinary example of its kind.
Definition: (noun) A top, usually having four lettered sides, that is used to play various games of chance. Synonyms: spinning top, whirligig, top. Usage: The boy was thrilled to get a bright red teetotum for his birthday and spent all summer watching it spin. Discuss
Frase celebre di Elly Schlein
«Bisognerà ridurre l’impatto degli allevamenti e cambiare il modello continuando a migliorare il benessere animale, riconoscendo inoltre la necessità di ridurre i consumi idrici.» (Elly Schlein)
Wenn natürliche Neigung sich in ein leidenschaftliches Verlangen entwickelt, schreitet man in 7-Meilen-Stiefeln auf sein Ziel zu.
Nikola Tesla(1856 – 1943), serbischer Elektroingenieur, Physiker und Erfinder; erfand und entwickelte ein System zur elektrischen Energieübertragung durch Zweiphasenwechselstrom
adjective: 1. Optimistic or cheerful, especially naively or to an unrealistic degree. Often used in the form “to see through rose-colored glasses”. 2. Of a bright pink or red color.
Definition: (noun) A message that departs from the main subject. Synonyms: digression, divagation, parenthesis, aside. Usage: After yet another long excursus on the subject of housecats, the absent-minded professor finally returned to his main point. Discuss
Moe Howard
“Only fools are positive.”
Den Wettlauf mit der Zeit verlieren am häufigsten Politiker.
Siegfried Wache(*1951), technischer Zeichner, Luftfahrzeugtechniker und Buchautor
Definition: (noun) A medical doctor specializing in the treatment of diseases of the eye. Synonyms: oculist, eye doctor. Usage: The ophthalmologist asked the patient to read letters off of a chart posted across the room. Discuss
Frase celebre di Stephen Jay Gould
«Le storie più errate sono quelle che pensiamo di conoscere meglio, e quindi delle quali non sindachiamo e di cui non ci poniamo più interrogativi.» (Stephen Jay Gould)
Wenn ein einziger Hund anfängt, einen Schatten anzubellen, machen zehntausend Hunde daraus eine Wirklichkeit.
Aus China
Definition: (noun) A natural outer covering; an integument. Synonyms: skin, cutis. Usage: When it became apparent that the burn victim would need a skin graft, the doctors decided to use tegument from his thigh. Discuss
Aforisma di Stephen Jay Gould
«Le storie più errate sono quelle che pensiamo di conoscere meglio, e quindi delle quali non sindachiamo e di cui non ci poniamo più interrogativi.»
Beginnt der Reiche zu sparen, fängt er damit beim Armen an.
Emanuel Wertheimer(1846 – 1916), deutsch-österreichischer Philosoph und Aphoristiker ungarischer Herkunft
noun: 1. Someone or something of enormous size. 2. Someone or something fierce, frightening, monstrous, etc.
Definition: (noun) Any of various mollusks of the class Gastropoda, such as the snail, slug, cowrie, or limpet, characteristically having a single, usually coiled shell or no shell at all, a ventral muscular foot for locomotion, and eyes and feelers located on a distinct head. Synonyms: univalve. Usage: The sound of a shell crushing beneath…
Der Respekt vor dem Wort schließt das bewusste Schweigen mit ein.
Otto Pötter(*1948), Dichter, Aphoristiker, Mystiker, Schriftsteller
Mad Max
adjective: Dystopian, post-apocalyptic, anarchic.
Казино Автоматы domfranshiz.ru для видеопокера
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Definition: (noun) A person of unquestioning obedience. Synonyms: stooge, yes-man. Usage: I liked the play, but I felt that the character of Joe was too much of a flunky, always trying to please Roger and never standing up for himself. Discuss
Préstamos exprés con el fin de moto a credito sin buro propietarios sobre bajas entidades
productos sobre material American Express brújula bbva Banco de America pozos fargo De ser dueño de la baja compañía que necesitarí¡ financiación rápida, puedes que le interesen las préstamos exprés. A continuación le detallo un prototipo de financiamiento respaldado debido al gestión federal cual brinda cualquier tiempo sobre respuesta de mayor rí¡pido que las préstamos…
King Kong
noun: Something or someone of great size, strength, etc. adjective: Huge.
Definition: (noun) A juvenile between the onset of puberty and maturity. Synonyms: adolescent, teenager. Usage: He appeared on a jutting headland by the shore of the fruitless sea, seeming like a stripling in the first flush of manhood. Discuss
Frase celebre di Peppino Di Capri
«Champagne per brindare a un incontro con te che già eri di un altro ricordi c'era stato un invito stasera si va tutti a casa mia. Così cominciava la festa e già ti girava la testa per me non contavano gli altri seguivo con lo sguardo solo te. Se vuoi ti accompagno se vuoi la…
adjective: Relating to differing accounts or subjective interpretations of an event.
Definition: (noun) A thief who preys on pedestrians. Synonyms: padder. Usage: The footpad was known to local police, as he had a habit of preying on tourists in the center of town. Discuss
Die verschwiegene Wahrheit von gestern – nie war sie so wertvoll wie heute.
Klaus D. Koch(*1948), Dr. med., deutscher Mediziner und Aphoristiker
groundhog day
noun: A situation in which events are repeated as if in a loop, especially when such events are of a tedious or monotonous nature.
Definition: (noun) A medicinal liquid that is rubbed into the skin to relieve muscular stiffness and pain. Synonyms: liniment. Usage: The dressings on my wound and the embrocation on my sprained wrist steadily subdue the pains which I have felt so far. Discuss
Book Of Ra В http://mexico24.ru/ сети Видео-слот
Содержание История, связанная с Ra Бесплатные спины Свежий Относительно Ra Высококачественный видео-слот Бонусы за регистрацию в казино Это привело к тому, что эта история о слоте Ra High end действительно появилась через десять лет после того, как первая версия по-прежнему остается бестселлером, особенно на Филиппинах. Суть в том, что у вас есть смесь двух мобильных…
Definition: (noun) A flat disk of metal ready for stamping as a coin; a coin blank. Synonyms: coin blank. Usage: Occasionally, a planchet will escape the mint without having been stamped into a coin. Discuss
Die Welt ist kein Machwerk und die Tiere kein Fabrikat zu unserm Gebrauch.
Arthur Schopenhauer(1788 – 1860), deutscher Philosoph
Definition: (noun) A thicket or grove of small trees or shrubs, especially one maintained by periodic cutting or pruning to encourage suckering, as in the cultivation of cinnamon trees for their bark. Synonyms: thicket, brush, copse, brushwood. Usage: They determined on walking round Beechen Cliff, that noble hill whose beautiful verdure and hanging coppice render…
Frase celebre di Gene Roddenberry
«La forza di una civiltà non si misura dalla sua capacità di combattere le guerre, ma piuttosto dalla sua capacità di prevenirle.» (Gene Roddenberry)
Aforisma di Marco Aurelio
«L'arte di vivere assomiglia più alla lotta che alla danza.»
Richtige Aphorismen kommen nicht aus dem Gehirne, sondern aus dem Leben.
Peter Altenberg(1859 – 1919), eigentlich Richard Engländer, österreichischer Schriftsteller
noun: 1. The process of transferring a design from a specially prepared paper onto another surface. 2. A decal: a design on a specially prepared paper made to be transferred onto another surface.
Definition: (noun) A complex carbohydrate found chiefly in seeds, fruits, tubers, roots and stem pith of plants, notably in corn, potatoes, wheat, and rice. Synonyms: starch. Usage: She was on a strict diet and avoided foods with high levels of amylum, sugar, and saturated fat. Discuss
Aforisma di Gene Roddenberry
«La forza di una civiltà non si misura dalla sua capacità di combattere le guerre, ma piuttosto dalla sua capacità di prevenirle.»
Verheerend sind nicht unsere Probleme, sondern unsere Ziellosigkeit.
Adrian Peivareh(*1968), deutsch-iranischer Diplom-Ingenieur
verb tr., intr.: 1. To describe, define, or perform something in terms of itself. 2. To perform an operation by repeated application of a technique, such that the results of the first step are put through the same technique again.
Definition: (noun) A loose coverall (coat or frock) reaching down to the ankles. Synonyms: dust coat, smock, duster. Usage: He was an unshaven little man in a threadbare coat like a gaberdine, with his feet in slippers, and I thought him a harmless fool. Discuss
Frase celebre di Michail Bulgakov
«Dalle quattro del pomeriggio la luce cominciava ad ardere nelle finestre delle case, in tondi globi elettrici, nei lampioni a gas, nei fanali delle case con i numeri illuminati, e nelle vetrate a tutta parete delle centrali elettriche, che evocavano il pensiero del futuro elettrico dell'umanità, terribile ed irrequieto, con le loro finestre a tutta…
Die Welt ist friedelos, weil sie sich zu klug und zu vernünftig dünkt, um nach dem Frieden zu ringen, der höher ist als alle, auch als ihre Vernunft.
Helene Gräfin von Waldersee(1850 – 1917), geb. von Wilamowitz-Möllendorff
noun: One advocating the restoration of territory that earlier belonged to one’s country.
Definition: (noun) A fragment of incombustible matter left after a wood or coal or charcoal fire. Synonyms: clinker. Usage: Ella loved to read by the fire; her cruel stepsisters dubbed her "Cinderella," since her face was often blackened with cinder dust. Discuss
So viele unserer Wahrnehmungen sind allein Gaukeleien der Sinne und ohne Bezug zur Realität.
Nikola Tesla(1856 – 1943), serbischer Elektroingenieur, Physiker und Erfinder; erfand und entwickelte ein System zur elektrischen Energieübertragung durch Zweiphasenwechselstrom
verb tr.: 1. To decorate a manuscript, book, etc., with colors, gold, silver, etc. 2. To paint in red, titles, headings, or important parts of a book or manuscript.
Definition: (noun) A heated greenhouse for plants that require an even, relatively warm temperature. Synonyms: conservatory, indoor garden. Usage: When those young ladies left your hothouse door open, with a frosty east wind blowing right in … it killed a good many of your plants. Discuss
noun: The genre that chronicles the lifestyles of the rich and famous.
Definition: (noun) A mild contagious eruptive disease caused by a virus and capable of producing congenital defects in infants born to mothers infected during the first three months of pregnancy. Synonyms: German measles, epidemic roseola, three-day measles. Usage: The parents were relieved when the doctor said that their son's rubella would improve in a matter…
Wie nahe wir einander sind – zur Hauptverkehrszeit!
Michail Genin(1927 – 2003), russischer Aphoristiker, veröffentlichte seit 1964 in der satirischen Zeitschrift »Krokodil«, seit 1970 ständiger Autor der »Literaturnaja Gaseta« und der Zeitung »Moskowski Komsomolez«, war Vorsitzender der Autorensektion des Moskauer Aphorismen-Clubs
Definition: (noun) A hard thickening of the skin (especially on the top or sides of the toes) caused by the pressure of ill-fitting shoes. Synonyms: corn. Usage: Years of wearing uncomfortable stilettos had left a large clavus on her foot. Discuss
Die Pest des Menschen ist die Einbildung, zu wissen.
Michel de Montaigne(1533 – 1592), eigentlich Michel Eyquem, Seigneur de Montaigne, französischer Philosoph und Essayist
Игорное заведение В сети Пин Ап зеркало казино Игровые автоматы Standard Metal
Статьи Сферический тип Обслуживание клиентов Правда Игровые автоматы онлайн-казино, признанные плоским утюгом, являются хорошим вариантом для тех, кто планирует играть в слоты вместе с другими играми казино. У него есть множество бонусов за регистрацию и рекламные объявления, такие как прогрессивные джекпоты. Само казино также помогает участникам попробовать себя в мобильных телефонах. Новые правила снабжения “акции”,…
Definition: (noun) A flat cake of thin batter fried on both sides on a griddle. Synonyms: flannel-cake, battercake, flapcake, hotcake, pancake, griddlecake. Usage: His flapjacks were so thin and light that they could have passed for crêpes. Discuss
Sir Thomas Beecham
“Brass bands are all very well in their place – outdoors and several miles away.”
The Belzer Rabbi
“Let a good man do good deeds with the same zeal that the evil man does bad ones.”
Diplomaten antworten eindrucksvoll an der Frage vorbei.
Manfred Hinrich(1926 – 2015), Dr. phil., deutscher Philosoph, Philologe, Lehrer, Journalist, Kinderliederautor, Aphoristiker und Schriftsteller
noun: An expedition, raid, or campaign.
Definition: (noun) A faint glowing spot in the sky, exactly opposite the position of the sun. Synonyms: counterglow. Usage: The gegenschein is so faint that it cannot be seen if there is any moonlight or if it falls in the vicinity of the Milky Way. Discuss
Das bekannte Bildnis der Affen hat sich geändert: Sie sehen nichts, sie hören nicht, aber sie reden gerne.
Peter Horton(*1941), österreichischer Sänger, Musiker, Gitarrist, Komponist und Buchautor
Онлайн-казино в acrosstheuniversity.ru Интернете Con Benefit
Контентные статьи Бонусы Онлайн-игры широко открыты Получение опций Бонусные предложения онлайн-казино могут показаться привлекательными на первый взгляд, однако эти люди также имеют тенденцию к значительно меньшему выигрышу, чем они кажутся.
noun: Any of various hares having long ears and very long hind legs. verb intr.: To move or begin to move very quickly. adjective: Moving or beginning to move very quickly.
Definition: (noun) A person from a foreign country; a foreigner. Synonyms: alien, foreigner, noncitizen. Usage: As long as the number of outlanders remained small, the natives were friendly toward them. Discuss
Frase celebre di Diana Spencer
«Non si porta consolazione agli afflitti con le afflizioni di chi vive nella comodità.» (Diana Spencer)
adjective: 1. Of or relating to a snake. 2. Winding, twisting, or coiling. 3. Intricate; cunning; treacherous. verb intr.: To move or lie in a winding course.
Definition: (noun) A collarless men's undergarment for the upper part of the body. Synonyms: undershirt, vest. Usage: Its owner had taken off his tunic, and in white trousers and a thin, short-sleeved singlet prowled behind the chair-backs nursing his meager elbows. Discuss
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noun: 1. Any of various small, thickset, short-tailed, furry rodents. 2. One who mindlessly conforms or follows, especially toward disaster.
Definition: (noun) A name of endearment; a pet name. Synonyms: pet name. Usage: "Billy" is a hypocorism for "William." Discuss
Frase celebre di Domenico Modugno
«La lontananza sai, è come il vento spegne i fuochi piccoli, ma accende quelli grandi.» (Domenico Modugno)
Mancher vergißt nur deshalb seine Pflichten, weil er stets an seine Rechte denkt.
Deutsches Sprichwort
adjective: 1. Believing that people are motivated primarily by self-interest. 2. Behaving in a selfish manner, callously violating accepted standards. 3. Pessimistic; jaded; negative. 4. Contemptuous; mocking.
Definition: (noun) A long, usually hooded cloak or coat. Synonyms: hooded coat. Usage: The men wore matching black capotes with hoods that obscured their features, and we watched in terror as they advanced in the dim light. Discuss
Frase celebre di Sabino Cassese
«La giustizia arriva troppo in ritardo per essere una giustizia equa. Il ritardo scoraggia la domanda di giustizia.» (Sabino Cassese)
Leben kann jederzeit etwas Besonderes sein.
Martin Gerhard Reisenberg(*1949), Diplom-Bibliothekar und Autor
Definition: (noun) A heavy rain. Synonyms: pelter, soaker, torrent, waterspout, deluge, downpour. Usage: We enjoyed the lovely recliners on the ship's deck until a sudden cloudburst sent us running for our cabins. Discuss
Aforisma di Sabino Cassese
«La giustizia arriva troppo in ritardo per essere una giustizia equa. Il ritardo scoraggia la domanda di giustizia.»
Und was du tust, tue es nie in der Hitze. Überdenke kalt! und führe mit Feuer aus!
Friedrich Hölderlin(1770 – 1843), Johann Christian Friedrich Hölderlin, deutscher evangelischer Theologe, Dramatiker und Lyriker (begann ab 1841 seine Gedichte mit ›Scardanelli‹ zu unterzeichnen)
Definition: (noun) An assortment or a medley; a conglomeration. Synonyms: hodgepodge, omnium-gatherum, melange, mingle-mangle, mishmash, oddments, odds and ends, ragbag. Usage: If the farrago of newspaper clippings, stale coffee mugs, and chewed-on pencils strewn around the office was any indication, her boss had been at the office all night. Discuss
verb tr.: To make small or insignificant.
Definition: (noun) A method of representing a language or the sounds of language by written symbols; spelling. Synonyms: writing system. Usage: She was familiar with many of the regional dialects, but she did not recognize this orthography. Discuss
Es gibt kaum etwas Behaglicheres als Moralvorstellungen zu haben – für die andern.
Walter Ludin(*1945), Schweizer Journalist, Redakteur, Aphoristiker und Buchautor, Mitglied des franziskanischen Ordens der Kapuziner
verb tr.: To wash out or extract, especially with a solvent.
Definition: (noun) A horizontal, usually underground stem that often sends out roots and shoots from its nodes. Synonyms: rootstalk. Usage: It was not apparent that the neighboring stalk belonged to the original plant because the rhizome connecting the two was underground. Discuss
verb tr.: To tear off or to rip into pieces.
Definition: (noun) Any of the long stiff hairs that project from the snout or brow of most mammals, as the whiskers of a cat. Synonyms: whisker, sensory hair. Usage: The mouse's vibrissae alerted it to the presence of a predator. Discuss
adjective: Having the power to cleanse. noun: A cleansing medicine or preparation.
Definition: (noun) A humorous play on words. Synonyms: pun, punning, wordplay. Usage: His attempts at comedy usually flopped, especially when he recited his favorite paronomasia, "I do it for the pun of it." Discuss
Lass die Zukunft die Wahrheit sagen und jedermann nach seinem Werk und seinem Kampf bewerten.
Nikola Tesla(1856 – 1943), serbischer Elektroingenieur, Physiker und Erfinder; erfand und entwickelte ein System zur elektrischen Energieübertragung durch Zweiphasenwechselstrom
Definition: (noun) An official emissary, especially an official representative of the pope. Synonyms: official emissary. Usage: Cardinal Giovanni Battista Caprara was the legate of Pope Pius VII in France. Discuss
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