Definition: (adjective) Turned or twisted toward one side. Synonyms: askew, awry, lopsided, skew-whiff, wonky. Usage: He noticed that his tie was cockeyed and made sure to straighten it before meeting with the company executives. Discuss > Wahrheiten > Zitat #4803
Die meisten Menschen haben vor einer Wahrheit mehr Angst als vor einer Lüge. Ernst FerstlÖsterreichischer Lehrer und Autor*1955
Definition: (adjective) Nervous and unable to relax. Synonyms: fidgety, fretful, itchy. Usage: The long wait made the children antsy. Discuss > Partnerschaften > Zitat #5039
In Partnerschaften muss man sich manchmal streiten, denn dadurch erfährt man mehr voneinander. Johann Wolfgang von GoetheDeutscher Schriftsteller1749 – 1832
Definition: (adjective) Spoken, carried out, or composed with little or no preparation or forethought. Synonyms: ad-lib, extemporaneous, impromptu, off-the-cuff, offhand, offhanded, unrehearsed. Usage: The class performed an extempore skit that condensed the complex plot of Shakespeare's <i>Hamlet</i> into a single, 15-minute act. Discuss
adjective: 1. Unreliable; unsteady; not working properly. 2. Concerned with minute details in a field; nerdy. > Bildung > Zitat #4641
Es gibt nur eins, was auf Dauer teurer ist als Bildung, keine Bildung. John F. Kennedy35. Präsident der USA1917 – 1963
Der Wurf mag zuweilen nicht treffen, aber die Absicht verfehlt niemals ihr Ziel.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau(1712 – 1778), Genfer Schriftsteller, Philosoph und Pädagoge; wichtiger Wegbereiter der Französischen Revolution
Frase celebre di David Lynch
«Avrei voluto veder accadere cose nella mia vita. Sapevo che niente era come sembrava, ma non riuscivo a trovarne una prova.» (David Lynch)
Aforisma di David Lynch
«L'opera d'arte deve bastare a se stessa. Quello che voglio dire è che sono stati scritti tantissimi capolavori della letteratura, gli autori sono ormai morti e sepolti e non puoi tirarli fuori dalla fossa. Hai il libro però, e un libro può farti sognare e riflettere.»
Wer alles selber machen will, pfuscht Gott ins Handwerk.
© Stefan Fleischer(*1938), Rentner, vorher Organisator einer Großbank
adjective: 1. Relating to worldly rather than religious matters. 2. Occurring once in an age or century. 3. Enduring over an extended period. noun: 1. A member of clergy not bound by monastic vows. 2. A layperson.
Definition: (verb) To turn aside from a course, direction, or purpose. Synonyms: curve, cut, sheer, slew, slue, swerve, trend. Usage: The car veered sharply to the left at the intersection and narrowly missed hitting a pedestrian. Discuss
noun: 1. The eating of only one kind of food. 2. The act of eating alone.
Definition: (adjective) Not having the qualities associated with active, living organisms. Synonyms: pulseless, breathless. Usage: I had worked hard for nearly two years, for the sole purpose of infusing life into an inanimate body. Discuss
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