© Ernst Ferstl(*1955), österreichischer Lehrer, Dichter und Aphoristiker
noun: 1. A hiding place, such as a cupboard or a cubbyhole. 2. A hug or a cuddle. verb tr.: To hug or cuddle. verb intr. 1. To crouch down. 2. To hide.
Definition: (verb) Come out better in a competition, race, or conflict. Synonyms: beat, vanquish, crush, shell. Usage: Australia trounced France by sixty points to four. Discuss
Zitate.net > Glück > Zitat #4291
Glück ist das einzige, was wir anderen geben können, ohne es selbst zu haben. Carmen SylvaSchriftstellerin1843 – 1916
Reich darf die Zeit heißen, die ihre Altertümer nicht ausgraben muss.
© Jürgen Große(*1963), Akkordeonsolist, Schriftsetzer, Geisteswissenschaftler und Autor
noun: An ancient stringed instrument that’s typically associated with Welsh music. Also called a crowd.
Definition: (noun) A winder around which thread or tape or film or other flexible materials can be wound. Synonyms: spool, reel. Usage: Please thread the bobbin so that I can mend your shirt. Discuss
Warum dem nachlaufen, der uns flieht, und die vernachlässigen, die sich anbieten?
Pierre Choderlos de Laclos(1741 – 1803), Pierre-Ambroise-François Choderlos de Laclos, französischer Offizier und Schriftsteller
adjective: 1. Intoxicated. 2. Crazy. 3. Excited. 4. Wonderful.
Definition: (noun) An encroachment, as of a right or privilege. Synonyms: violation. Usage: Before I could prove to them that this proceeding was a gross infringement on the liberties of the British subject, I found myself lodged within the walls of a prison. Discuss
Die Wahrheit ist ein Puzzlespiel. Nur wenn Du alle Teile hast, kannst Du Dir ein Bild machen.
© Stefan Fleischer(*1938), Rentner, vorher Organisator einer Großbank
adjective: Containing moits — foreign particles in wool, such as straw or bark.
Definition: (verb) Formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief, usually under pressure. Synonyms: abjure, recant, resile, retract. Usage: "It's rank poison," said he, grasping the bottle by the neck, "and I forswear it! I've given up gambling, and I'll give up this too." Discuss
Frase celebre di Phil Knight
«Il denaro, quando è cominciato ad arrivare a palate, ha influenzato noi tutti. Non molto, e non per molto, perché nessuno di noi è mai stato motivato dal denaro. Ma è questa la natura dei soldi. Che tu ne abbia o meno, che tu ne voglia o meno, che ti piacciano o meno, cercheranno di…
Aforisma di Carlo V
«Sul mio impero non tramonta mai il sole.»
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