Glück ist Selbstgenügsamkeit. AristotelesGriechischer Philosoph
An einem Ort, der Schwätzlar heißt, stritten sie wie die Pole sollten verrückt werden.
Georg Christoph Lichtenberg(1742 – 1799), deutscher Physiker und Meister des Aphorismus
Definition: (noun) A person of no influence. Synonyms: nobody, nonentity. Usage: He was a cipher in the estimation of the public, and nobody attached any importance to what he thought or did. Discuss
Frase celebre di Louis Armstrong
«Il rango non conferisce privilegi o potenza. Esso conferisce responsabilità.» (Louis Armstrong)
noun: One overly concerned with their personal appearance: dandy. adjective: Overly concerned about one’s appearance.
Definition: (verb) Move or arrange oneself in a comfortable and cozy position. Synonyms: cuddle, draw close, nest, nestle, snuggle. Usage: We nuzzled against each other to keep warm and quickly fell asleep. Discuss
Frase celebre di Lorena Cesarini
«Se sono qui è perché l’ho meritato, l’ho guadagnato ed è giusto che sia così. Mi fido di me stessa, zero paranoie zero ansie.» (Lorena Cesarini)
Aforisma di Louis Armstrong
«Il rango non conferisce privilegi o potenza. Esso conferisce responsabilità.»
Definition: (adjective) Harsh or corrosive in tone. Synonyms: acid, blistering, caustic, vitriolic, acrid, acerbic, bitter, virulent. Usage: Her sulfurous denunciation of the governor was aired on the news that evening. Discuss
adjective: Threatening or menacing. > Bücher > Zitat #4107
Von allen Welten, die der Mensch erschaffen hat, ist die der Bücher die Gewaltigste. Heinrich HeineDeutscher Dichter und Journalist1797 – 1856
Es geht einem nicht besser im Leben, wenn man ein guter Mensch ist.
© Ernst Ferstl(*1955), österreichischer Lehrer, Dichter und Aphoristiker
Definition: (adjective) Marked by pompousness; pretentiously weighty. Synonyms: overblown, pompous, grandiloquent, pontifical. Usage: His hands, large and coarse, were plentifully bedecked with rings; and he wore a heavy gold watch-chain, with a bundle of seals of portentous size, and a great variety of colors, attached to it. Discuss
adjective: So wicked as to defy description: abominable, appalling. > Gesundheit > Zitat #3072
Ein leidenschaftlicher Raucher, der immer von der Gefahr des Rauchens für die Gesundheit liest, hört in den meisten Fällen auf – zu lesen. Winston ChurchillBritischer Politiker und Nobelpreisträger1874 – 1965
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